Akiba-kei Kanojo - Ep.3
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Duration: 29:53
Views: 17K
Submitted: 4 years ago
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Akiba Style is a lifestyle of dreams and fantasy, anime and games. The advocates for the real world, who give their souls to the colorful world of fantasy - that's who the party style of Akiba is... Such is also the hero of this anime Shindo Nikita. All night long, he gave to hentay games and it does not seem that he was going to change anything. However, his life cardinally changes with joining the "Alternative Club of Trivia Studies", where he expected to meet like-minded people, and met the execution of his sexual fantasies. However, even realized fantasies remain fantasies, and next to him there are people who really love him, and it is necessary to decide what kind of true love is.
Hentai School
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